Our Catalog

Mt. Gile's Famous maintains a seed bank of nearly 2,000 open-pollinated tomato varieties, including many that are exceedingly rare or endangered. Each year we select approximately 25% of our collection for inclusion in the annual catalog. Given the limited availability, we recommend reserving your selections early.

Our Seedlings

All tomatoes, and particularly heirlooms, are by nature heat-loving and cold-sensitive. Careful tending and patience ensures that our seedlings are vigorous and well-prepared for their forever gardens. Once nights remain above 50° and soil temperatures have reached 60°, it is safe to transplant tomatoes. Here in Zone 5, this means that our seedlings are typically hardened off and ready for the garden by Memorial Day weekend. While it is tempting to get an early jump on the season, your plants will reward you for your patience.

Pickups times at our farm are announced in May. Additional dates and locations will be posted in the spring.